These are the invites below from party city. I love the playful wording and they were easy to print out not to mention cost effective;)
They say: "Howdy Partners, please help us round up our little
outlaw Jesse James for the crime of turning 2, rumor has it he'll be hiding out at...(fill in address) Let me know if you want to be a part of the posse. Please wear blue jeans and a white or plaid shirt."

These are some little vintage pics to stick on top of cupcakes...from etsy shop rockabyeretro. I fell in love with the images on them.

I love the idea of marking drink carafes with sheriff stars! I'm bought an inflatable cowboy hat that's a cooler (oriental trading for 15.00) and filling with drink boxes so the kids can grab themselves. I also bought some wooden stars at Micheal's that I'm painting chalkboard & attaching them from twine I picked up at home depot.

Look how cute. Made entirely of refrigerator boxes. Cool project & the kids will love to run in & out of this mini town.
I adore these cupcakes and will be copying to the best of my ability. Fondant makes everything on top pop. I'm skipping the horses and going with a little horseshoe and cowboy boot motif.

As far as DECOR:
BANDANNAS EVERYWHERE & string lights wrapped around more twine above our heads. Lanterns on the tables and hay bales to sit on. I bought bandanna fabric at Walmart for 2.50 a yard and will drape the tables in it.
consists of normal cowboy fare of Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Grilled Corn On The Cob and hot dogs and hamburgers for a little back-up.
More on entertainment & THE CAKE as it unfolds...
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