My parents have a fabulous 200 year old home with a large front yard that will be perfect for his gathering. I was thinking of having it at the end of September...I know it's not his birthday but he will flip when he sees what I have in store!!
Here are just a few ideas I gathered and the entertainment will be curtousy of my gymnastic champion brother(he has agreed to dress like a clown and do back flips all over the place...how wonderful huh??) This cake is pretty cute and I think I can pull it off with the help of a "number 2" stencil.
This cake is "over the top" from sweetartshop.com

Lemonade...fresh of course and I have the greatest glass container like the one pictured!

Clown cupcakes and grab bags served up with nostalgic popcorn bags! I also fell in love with a candy buffet my friend had at her bridal shower...maybe with some jolly ranchers, tootsie rolls, sugar daddys...do they still make them?

I love this idea from BHG.com for when the sun goes down and pass out sparklers with everyones name attached...adult supervision required for this one but don't you love the simple organization of it.
and no party is complete without a BOUNCY HOUSE!! I'm trying to decide if I want to buy one or rent??
Ohhh, I can just hear the circus music now...dun, dun, dun-na-na-na, dundun!!
Please let me know if you have any cool ideas to add;))
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