Unannounced to me after the auction, there was a wonderful BBQ outside complete with steak, seafood & wine tasting...yummy.
I skipped the wine due to it being 2pm and I had the little guy with me so instead me & the rumps took part in apple juice. During our mini date I noticed people piling a bunch of furniture by the dumpster in the back.
Could this be?? Cute vintage chairs & mirrors 4 mah? It could. I asked & they said that it was free for the taking. I grabbed rumps and we packed my SUV up like I was stealing something. I hope my son doesn't think I'm nuts for roaming the streets for giveaways to re-do & sell. This little desk is the cutest. A little decorator white paint & glass pulls is what I envisioned for this.
Hey, I'm grateful that I have gotten to stay home with my little guy & never miss a thing. It's hard to do all of this with a little guy but I swear he loves it & it's so much fun when I have days like this;)
4 Cane back chairs in perfect condition?? Look at all the stuff & this was just one day. I posted everything to sell except the cute little red/white stool. I had to keep that. I tell you that there is no greater feeling then spending a summerday with your family and scoring a great piece of furniture...well atleast for me:))
So look around the street, local dump or even places like auction houses and ask what they do with the stuff that never sells? You could have the means to re-create a little corner of your home for almost nothing.
Hope your day brings you tons of smiles and free stuff!
How I love treats as this!