Feb 17, 2009

Antique Seltzer Bottles

About 60 years ago cities were filled with beverage delivery people. Seltzer was delivered to your door in sealed & refillable bottles with a handle on the top which when you pressed it wonderful carbonated water came out of a spout. There are still services I found in Brooklyn 'The SeltzerMan" as he is called that deliver . For some it's a bit of history worth paying for and for people like me it's another wonderful vintage item to swoon over.

You can purchase this set of vibrant assorted sized bottles in set of 6 for $295.00 from Cultured-Living.com. It does kinda take the fun of the search away...right?

Here is a REAL Beauty...turn of the century with original mesh. Manufacturer is Sparklets Seltzer Bottle Made in England

You can find this and many others in a great Ebay store I found
Richie's Seltzer. This cobalt blue is electric.

This is a french made bottle..uber elegant! i have never used the word "uber" before?

I found this pic on seltzersisters.com but you have to call for pricing. They usually run between $55-$75.00 for this color.

I love these lamps with the key holes cut out of the sides for light to come through they are so unique but for 395.00 each they are a little too spendy for me. I believe that this project can be done with a drill and a light kit from a hardware store...more on that in a future post;)

The textured glass on these is wonderful. I saw these on ebay.
The ambers and blue/greens are fab on this sill.

These are great. I believe they are Queen City Seltzer bottles. I have found red glass pretty hard to come by.

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