Mar 21, 2009

Vintage Alphabet Books, Bus Rolls & Lotto Numbers

And my love grows for all things typo-graphy! I found these while searching on etsy but sadly they are not for sale, they are a collection of vintage lotto numbers from Argentina. Wonderful. Placed randomly in a matted frame they would really be a stunner. I did find these at Collage Closet.

Imagine that this was your bus ticket in the 40's. Precious isn't it. Look at how much thought went into this sweet design. Can you imagine that thousands of people just threw these away. Totally frame worthy.

Adorable vintage paperback of "This is London", by Miroslav Sasek 1959..I believe. Great simple graphics.

The pages in this antique French alphabet book could not be sweeter. I love that "E" is for Escargot. Precious. I hate to take apart a book but for the sake of art I would love to frame these for my sons room.

I just found a great deal on a Vintage bus rolls on Ebay. I fell in love with this transit history after seeing a picture of one in a Pottery Barn catalog last year. Since I have been loving all the wonderful types and especially how large they are. They make such a quirky statement in any decor. Such a conversation piece. I'm saving my pennies for this. My next big purchase after the other MILLION renovation projects gets done;))

1 comment:

  1. I really love those lotto numbers too. Simply amazing.

    When you have a chance, could you email me your address for the pay-it-forward project? No telling when I'll be ready to send it out but I'd like to be prepared when I am so it can really be a surprise like it's meant to :)

    micha dot bradley at gmail dot com

    thanks!!! (oh, tell me who you are in the subject line please so i don't delete ya)


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